God is Love

A Sermon on 1 John 4:7 – 5:5 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


God called each one of us to love Him and the people around us. This truth is the main message of 1st John Chapter 4 as it exhorts us to show our love for our family, brethren, and friends if we indeed know and live for Christ. In addition, the passage also warns us to not blindly accept all spiritual claims, especially those teachings that deny Christ and His humanity, or those who reject the basics of the gospel.  Moreover, the Apostle John reminded us that we are overcomers of this world because of our faith and obedience to Jesus Christ.


  1. Our new nature in Jesus Christ produces love. (vv. 7-12)

  2. God abides in the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and who lives in love (vv. 13-16)

  3. Let us be affirmed that perfect love casts out fear. (vv. 17-21)

  4. As God’s children, we are overcomers of this challenging world because of our faith, obedience, and love for Jesus. (1 John 5:1-5)

Life Applications

  1. God is the source of genuine love because it comes from His very nature.  However, we should never believe that because God is love, He overlooks or tolerates our sins.  God’s love does not negate His holiness and justice. For this reason, let us continue to obey and follow His decrees and commands to us as His beloved children. 

  2. Practically, how should we show love to a difficult person? Do we confront his sin or overlook it?  Expressing our love to difficult people means extending our patience in enduring evil and by correcting our opponents with gentleness (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

  3. Remember to show kindness and love to others each day as we may never know when the Lord will use us to encourage unbelievers to put their faith in Jesus.

  4. God’s love will help us understand and endure life's difficulties, sickness, and struggles.  As God’s beloved children, He will help, guide and give us strength to endure these things.  



Pleasing God


The Spirit and the Son