Christmas is About Loving & Honoring Jesus

A Sermon on Luke 2: 1-21 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


The Biblical story of Christmas will give us a great description of how an ordinary, faithful, and obedient couple showed their love for God by obeying His plan for the birth of our Saviour. We will also see how the angels worshipped and honored the Messiah. Moreover, we will meet the humble shepherds who decided to leave their flocks so that they could see the newly born Christ. Today, let us reflect on how these characters of the first Christmas showed their happiness and excitement when they met and greeted the Saviour of the whole world.  


  1. Honor the Lord by moving out of your comfort zone as you obey His will. (vv. 1-7)

  2. Honor the Lord through your joyful worship. (vv. 8-14)

  3. Love the Lord by rejoicing in His goodness and faithfulness. (vv. 15-20)

Life Applications:

  1. Allow the Lord to mature you as He takes you out of your comfort zone.  God is at work in our lives when He prunes and molds us as His vessels to accomplish the purpose He has for us. What are the comfort zones in your life today that you are willing to give up to serve God?

  2. The angels rejoiced and worshipped God because He fulfilled His promise to give His only Son to redeem the world.  Don't allow your day to pass by without truly thanking and worshipping the Lord in your heart and mind.

  3. Jesus is the Savior of the world. He died on the cross so that everyone who will repent and accept Him as their personal Lord and Saviour could be forgiven their sins and be saved from eternal damnation. Have you turned to Jesus and through Jesus received the grace of God? Jesus came because all of us are destined to eternal punishment for our sins and He is the only way for us to avoid that eternal destruction. Have you been saved from your sins?


Reflections on God’s Goodness


Christmas is About Praising Our Saviour