Be Resilient in the Battles of Life

A Sermon on Joshua 6:1-27 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Joshua and the entire army of Israel needed to show their resiliency in obeying God’s command to them to journey and conquer the Promised Land.  It was a huge, challenging and enormous task. However, because of God’s support and leading to Joshua and the Israelites, they were successful and experienced God’s power all the way through.

Their first mission was to conquer Jericho, a fortified city and one of the most powerful cities in their generation. Let us observe and witness how the Lord guided them to victory. Joshua and Israel’s army followed God’s instructions in detail and displayed their resilient hearts in this battle.  


  1. Joshua’s resilient heart and Israel’s wholehearted obedience to God’s instructions (vv.1-14)

  2. Israel prevailed in conquering Jericho because of God’s sovereignty (vv. 15-21)

  3. Rahab’s faith and resiliency to believe and have faith in God (vv. 22-25)

  4. The Lord’s hand was with Joshua and the Israelites and He gave them victory over the hardest obstacle that they encountered. (Joshua 6:26-27)

    Life Applications:

  1. The Lord’s hand was with Joshua and the Israelites because they displayed their all-embracing trust, resiliency and obedience to His will and command. How are you showing your trust and resiliency in obeying God’s will in your life today?

  2. Rahab’s family was saved because of her faith and commitment in obeying God’s direction and will for her life. May we show our complete obedience to God by embracing His commandments to us and not compromising and believing what the world or our culture is telling us to do. 

  3. This passage helps us to see God’s fingerprints, faithfully leading and guiding His children on their journey toward freedom and inheritance.  Despite their failings, He never abandoned them. Like them, God will not abandon us in our journey in this world. 


Nurture the Fruit of the Holy Spirit


Persecution, Resiliency and God’s Power