Joseph: The Dreamer & God’s Messenger

A Sermon on Genesis 39-41 by Pastor Allan Santos

Watch the sermon here.


Joseph was the favorite son of his father Jacob. He was given a coat of many colors that symbolizes a person’s worth, stature and position in the family. However, because of jealousy and grudge, his brothers sold him to the Ishmaelite traders that brought him to Egypt. The Lord allowed Joseph to encounter different bewildering situations in the house of Potiphar and in jail, but the Lord’s presence in his life brought him success and favour with the people he worked with. Joseph interpreted dreams through the help and guidance of the Lord, and that led him to Pharaoh. Joseph endured difficult situations that entailed patience, perseverance, and strong faith in the Lord. May we capture God’s working hand as we study the life of Joseph who became Pharaoh’s second hand and governor of Egypt.


  1. Joseph’s success in Potiphar’s house. (Genesis 39:1-6a)

  2. Joseph glorified the Lord by running away from temptation (Genesis 39:6a-8)

  3. Joseph was untruthfully accused and was put into prison. (Gen. 39:19-23)

  4. Joseph rightfully interpreted the dreams of the cupbearer, the baker, and the Pharaoh.  (Genesis 40-41:36)

  5. Joseph was promoted to power through God’s help and favor. (Genesis 40:37-57)

Lessons from God’s Word:

  1. The Lord gave success to Joseph in Potiphar’s house and in jail. Being a servant and a prisoner during the Old Testament time was not desirable but Joseph persevered and embraced his situation. Knowing that the Lord was with him, he trekked that difficult road with full dependence on the Lord. Are you in an undesirable place in your life right now? Remember that the Lord is journeying with you.

    2. Joseph trusted God’s plan for his life.  Even with a series of negative events happening in his life, Joseph realized that it was part of God’s plan. Let us trust God even in the middle of challenges, problems, and struggles in our daily lives.

    3. Joseph did not only interpret the dreams of the cupbearer, the baker, and Pharaoh, he also witnessed to them the greatness of the Lord when he told them “Interpretation belongs to the Lord” (Gen. 40:8). Joseph pointed these people to the Lord as he interpreted their dreams. Are you pointing people to the Lord as you minister to them? Always remember that we are the Lord’s ambassadors. Let us keep on pointing people to Jesus.


Stand Firm in the Lord


Rejoice in the Lord